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At Firfield Primary School safeguarding children and child protection is one of the most important areas of our work.  Every effort is made to ensure that all pupils are kept safe during the school day, and also that we support pupils in developing an understanding of how to keep themselves safe.

Safeguarding Leads

If you have any concerns about a child then please speak to one of the school's safeguarding leads:

James Yellop (Headteacher)

Rachel Tittershill (Assistant Headteacher)

Adam Thurgood (Deputy Headteacher)

Kirsty Shepherd (Class Teacher)


Child Protection is everyone's business, even when out in the community. If you believe that any child is in danger ring Call Starting Point which is the focal point for Social Care support on 01629 533190 choosing the option for urgent child protection or contact the police.



Should you have a safeguarding concern during the school holidays, please immediately email

Please find below policies and documents relating to Safeguarding children in school as well as information relating to how the school promotes British values.

If you would like paper copies of these or any of our other policies, please ask at the school office.

 Click CEOP                          Click on this button to Child Exploitation and Online Protection site


                      Click on this button to report child sexual abuse