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SEND & Inclusion

SEND Information Report – September 2024

 SENDCo: Lauren Trigg

SENDCo: Lauren Trigg
Contact: Via the main office or email:

What kinds of Special Educational Needs does Firfield Primary make provision for?

Firfield is a fully inclusive primary school, which provides education for 4 to 11 Years (Early Years Foundation Stage to Year 6). At Firfield we provide provision to meet the needs of children with a variety of additional needs, including moderate and severe learning difficulties and specific, special educational needs. By doing this, we aim to ensure that all pupils achieve their potential personally, socially, emotionally, physically and academically, releasing their inner superhero.

How would Firfield identify if my child needed extra help?

At Firfield, all class teachers make necessary adaptations for the needs of their pupils in every lesson. If a child is highlighted as struggling with a particular area of learning, they are added to the class provision map, which indicates how and when they will receive additional, targeted support for the area of difficulty.

It is hoped that with additional support, the child would progress in their area of difficulty. If a child continues to find a particular area a difficulty, we would contact parents and arrange for a consultation with the class teacher, parents and SENCO. We would then agree on specific targets for the child to work on over the term by recording the child’s specific targets on an individual provision map (IPM). This would allow us to track the child’s progress, giving us all a clear picture of their developments. Meetings for IPMs are held at least termly.

If a child continued to require additional support we may decide that we need to apply for further support – for example Inclusion Panel Funding or an Education Health and Care Plan Needs Assessment. This is a process that requires clear and thorough evidence of need, gathered over a period of time.

Firfield have a range of tests and development profiles that may be used to judge a child’s abilities. We also have a number of professionals that we are able to approach to support the child, the family and the school in their area of need. For example, children may receive support from Physiotherapists, School Nursing Team, Occupational Therapists, and Specialist teachers for a variety of areas. The school finds it extremely beneficial to receive support from outside agencies.

How does the school evaluate the effectiveness of its provision for children with Special Educational Needs?

All children’s progress is rigorously tracked by members of the school’s Senior Leadership Team. The SENDCo specifically tracks the progress of all children with SEN. Children with developing difficulties are discussed in progress meetings with the Headteacher and other members of the school’s leadership team. These children may then be referred to the school’s SENDCo for further monitoring.

The SENDCo has specific time each week to support and liaise with staff; to ensure that school is providing effective provision for these pupils.

How does the school assess and review the progress of children with Special Educational Needs?

Those children who are receiving additional support through provision mapping are constantly being assessed and reviewed. Provision maps are reviewed every half term (6 times per year). Children who have an individual provision map are also continuously involved in assessment of their learning. They have their individual provision map formally reviewed 3 times per year. If a child needs adjustments making to their individual provision map, this can be done as and when is needed. If a child has an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) or receives additional support through Derbyshire’s Inclusion Panel Funding these are formally reviewed annually as a multi-agency approach. Children who receive specific SEND support in place will also have an individual provision map. The SENDCo monitors the impact of interventions on a termly basis.

How do you and I know how well my child is doing at school?

We aim to meet with parents at regular points throughout the year. Your child’s needs will be a factor in the level of contact that we will require from you. As a school we hold two parent consultation evenings each year. We send out two sets of termly reports and you will receive an annual report at the end of the school year. If your child has an individual provision map, class teachers aim to meet you on three occasions, to discuss the progress they have made and set their new targets.

Each term, the SENDCo holds a parent support meeting. This provides additional opportunity to ask questions and receive support from parents and/or professionals. These are themed and invites are sent out to all parents via ParentPay as an open invitation.

Some children require a Home – School Diary. This allows daily interaction between parents and teaching assistants / class teachers alongside Class Dojo as an electronic means of instant communication. As a school we hold an ‘open door policy’, therefore parents are invited to contact the school with any problems or queries, as and when is necessary and to arrange a mutually convenient appointment as soon as possible to discuss matters.

How will school staff support my child?

The support your child receives will be dependent upon your child’s needs. If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan, the Local Authority will determine the level of support that is considered appropriate and the allocation of hours to be allotted.

If your child is on an individual provision map or class provision map, they will receive support specific to their needs and development. Therefore, children do not all receive the same amount of support. Children may receive 1:1 support, small group targeted support - in or out of the class, by either a teacher or a teaching assistant or intervention- and booster groups which may take place over one or two terms. Class teachers are responsible for adapting to the different needs of their pupils and providing Quality First Teaching. Therefore, children will be fully integrated into classroom life, whilst receiving an appropriately challenging curriculum.

How does the school adapt the curriculum and learning environment for pupils with SEND?

As all children are individuals, the curriculum will be adapted to their needs. This may be by providing children with different resources to carry out their learning challenges to aid independence, additional explanations or support or, occasionally, with different work to enhance progress. Thought is given to where children are seated in classrooms for a range of reasons. The school has a number of separate learning zones, which enable children to participate in some activities where it is quieter or less visually stimulating. Some children will carry out individual provision map activities in these rooms, whilst this is not necessary for all children. These rooms are also used for intervention and booster group sessions.

How is the decision made about the type and how much support my child will receive?

If your child has an Education Health and Care plan or Derbyshire’s Inclusion Panel Funding, their needs will have been identified through this. This will indicate how much support your child is set to receive. As a school, we provide additional support when necessary as part of a graduated response.

If your child is receiving support through class provision maps or an individual provision map, their level of support will be very specific to their needs. For example, if your child is being supported on a class provision map for one specific target, it would be normal for this to be targeted a couple of times throughout the week. If the school has discussed with you a range of difficulties for your child, you should expect them to receive a greater level of support. Individual timetables will be put into place for children where necessary.

If outside agencies are involved, advice is taken surrounding the frequency of intervention for optimum support.

How will my child be included in activities outside of the classroom including school trips?

All year groups access trips and visitors throughout the year. The school will fully include all children if it is safe to do so. It may be that children require additional adult support or resources. This would be discussed and planned with parents prior to any trip to ensure the safety and well-being of every child in our care.

When children reach KS2, we have a number of residential trips. Any adaptations or individual risk assessments required for these trips would also be carried out prior to a trip commencing in close consultation with parents and professionals. As all trips are individual, necessary arrangements for lunch, toileting and breaks would be discussed as appropriate.

Would a child with SEND start at the same time as their peers?

We plan for all children to begin with their peers. If children enter school with an Education, Health and Care Plan, we would plan a range of activities to support their transition into school. For example, we may arrange additional sessions in school, have professionals’ meetings or make a picture book of important people and places in school. If a child joins us from another school or setting, the SENDCo would liaise with the previous SENDCo to ensure we have as much information as possible about the child. On occasions, we have provided children with a reduced timetable on entry; this is planned for individual circumstances where appropriate.

If the playground is overstimulating, arrangements can be made with school to alter drop-off and collection times.

What support is there for my child’s overall well-being?

We have a robust safeguarding policy in place. Pupils’ health and well-being is of paramount importance; therefore, we work closely with medical practitioners. If your child has a medical / health need, we will write a health care plan specifically for them. If children require medication during the school day, a consent form will have to be completed prior to the administration and all medicines are kept securely in the main office (please see our Medicines Policy). If children require support with personal care, this is conducted discreetly and aims to foster independence whenever possible (please see Personal Care Policy). We also provide all staff (including lunch time staff) with information that may be needed to specifically support your child. The school is proud of the support given to children and families with social and emotional difficulties and we have a strong, qualified team who will carry out personalised support.

What training is provided for staff supporting children with SEN?

Our staff have a range of experiences and expertise for supporting children with SEN. These include: Attachment and Developmental Trauma, Autism, Communication and Language Delay, Down Syndrome, Dyslexia, Intimate Care and Physiotherapy. Staff have received basic Makaton training, whilst some teaching assistants have further expertise in this area. This academic year, all adults are undergoing training on demand avoidance and raising awareness of the risk factors associated with premature birth.

How accessible is Firfield Primary School?

Our school is fully accessible. We have dedicated disabled parking bays and toileting facilities. We have ramps where needed. We work closely with the Physical Impairment team and Occupational Therapists to make adaptations and provide additional resources for children who require these. Please see our Accessibility Plan for further details.

How are parents involved in the school? How can I get involved?

We hope to meet new parents when you are deciding on your choice of primary school. We hold a parents’ open evening for new parents in June before children start Reception in September of each academic year.
The school PTA provides many social events and fundraising activities over the year, such as Christmas and Summer Fairs, Easter egg hunt, coffee mornings and many more. Please see the school office, our website or the ‘School Story’ on Class Dojo for more information.

How is my child involved in their education?

When it is appropriate, your child will be fully involved in reviewing and setting their new targets. Children are involved in the reviewing process of individual provision maps and Education Health and Care Plan reviews.
In school we also encourage children to take control of their day-to-day learning. This is done by giving them choices about how to tackle learning challenges, the style in which they complete a learning challenge or the level of the challenge that they are completing.

We have a school council which is made up of representatives from every class, from Years 1-6. These children meet every two weeks to provide a strong pupil voice and support a range of fundraising work for both the school and other charities.

What specialist services and expertise are available to the school?

We work closely with the following to support the needs of children in our school:
➢ Physiotherapists
➢ Occupational Therapists
➢ Physical Impairment
➢ Educational Psychologist
➢ Clinical Psychologist
➢ School Nurse
➢ Social Workers
➢ Hearing Impairment
➢ Visual Impairment
➢ Speech and Language Therapists

This year we also have a designated Inclusion Support Advisory teacher (ISAT), Stania Hughes, who will work with the SENDCo to support provision across the school.

What do I do if I have a concern about the school provision?

If you have any enquires regarding support for your child and SEND, please contact Lauren Trigg (SENDCo and Inclusion Manager).

If you have a concern regarding the school provision, please contact James Yellop (Headteacher)
In the unlikely event that your concern is not resolved, then please contact our Chair of Governors, Victoria Beardmore.

Where can I get further information about services for my child?

The information in this report forms a part of Derbyshire County Council’s local offer. This can be accessed at:

Reviewed: September 2024
Next review: September 2025