Equality Objectives
Objective 1: Ensure that we try to close any gender gaps identified during analysis of assessment data
Why we have chosen this objective:
This objective was identified at the last Ofsted inspection who stated that the school should ensure ‘girls progress in mathematics is accelerated so that it at least matches that of the boys’ (November 2017). The school also identified that the progress of boys in reading was less (-1.6) compared to girls (+0.1) and lower than the progress made by all pupils nationally (spring 2019 data).
To achieve this objective we plan to:
- Use assessment data to identify any gaps linked to gender.
- Plan intervention and support to accelerate learning and eliminate any gaps.
- Provide CPD opportunities for staff to improve pedagogy.
- Provide additional resources and activities to promote engagement in learning in these areas.
Objective 2: Promote understanding and respect of differences
Why we have chosen this objective:
The 2019 safeguarding audit identified some areas in which the school could further promote diversity. The schools’ new behaviour policy focusses on three key rules. Children are expected to be READY, RESPECTFUL and SAFE. The new PSHE scheme of work is an ideal opportunity to ensure that we can develop consistency in this approach.
To achieve this objective we plan to:
- Ensure the new PSHE scheme of work develop a consistent approach to develop pupils’ understanding and respect of differences.
- Celebrate differences by taking part in events and national days that recognise and celebrate differences.
- Ensure assemblies and lessons develop an understanding in respect to differences.
- CPD of staff.
Objective 3: Narrow the pupil premium gap in reading, writing and maths in all year groups. Close the gap in attendance to match that of other pupils.
Why we have chosen this objective:
Analysis of data shows that in Key Stage 2, 50% of pupils are on track to achieve expected in reading, writing and maths. This is equal to the national average (51%) but the gap between disadvantaged and other children is more than the national average. In KS1 40% of pupils are on track to achieve expected in reading, writing and maths.
To achieve this objective we plan to:
- Use assessment data to identify any gaps linked to gender.
- Plan intervention and support to accelerate learning and eliminate any gaps.
- Provide CPD opportunities for staff to improve pedagogy.
- Provide additional resources and activities to promote engagement in learning in these areas.
Objective 4: To ensure that mental health, emotional needs and well-being (self-esteem) do not become barriers to learning.
Why we have chosen this objective: There are an increasing number of children with barriers to learning connected to mental health, emotional needs and well-being (self-esteem). This is an area on the school improvement plan to ensure we have the capacity to provide for these needs.
To achieve this objective we plan to:
- Use assessment to identify areas of need with individual pupils.
- Provide nurture and expertise to ensure that we have the capacity to cater for these needs.
- Provide CPD for staff to increase knowledge.