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Annual Statement 2014/15

Annual Statement for 2014/15 (September 2015)


After the extensive building programme of 2013/14, the past school year has continued to be one of development and progress.

The Governing Body (GB) has been involved in all manner of different projects and initiatives in support of the school, both academic and extra-curricular events and programmes.

The general fabric and integrity of the school remains strong, inclusive and supportive.  However, there were academic concerns in Key Stage 2 in particular that need to be addressed with reference to progress in maths and reading. This area forms one of the school’s main areas for improvement planning in 2015/16 and has been fully documented and discussed with the GB.  Accountable measures are already in place to ensure this particular situation does not extend into the new school year, and beyond. These measures have been explained in detail to the GB and are fully endorsed by the GB in order that the associated results can be monitored on a continuing and timely basis, holding the school accountable to ensure good progress in these identified areas for all children.

Achievement and school attendance go hand in hand, in 2013/14 we achieved 97.04% attendance, however, in 2014/15 year it dropped to 96.56% and already as we start 2015/16 there have been several requests for unauthorised holiday leave.   The GB will therefore be looking at the current rules relating to such requests and the way in which we can promote the importance of good attendance in our diligence to reverse this downward trend. Poor attendance by itself can result in the school receiving a lower Ofsted rating.

During the course of the year, there have been several staff changes and developments, so we took the early decision to appoint two assistant heads, followed by a number of senior management appointments at the lower levels.

At the start of the year we interviewed and appointed two newly qualified teachers (NQT’s). Likewise we ended the year by appointing two more NQT’s.  The GB has been involved in both the interviews and eventual decision process in all of these situations ensuring all safer recruitment procedures were followed.

The GB places great importance on the children’s Health, Safety and Safeguarding in and out of school. Staff at the school are well versed in all aspects of what is expected to meet this important part of school and home life. During the course of the year, three of the non-staff Governors have also attended the relevant courses in order that they can take specific responsibility on behalf of the GB for the children’s fundamental right to be heard and acknowledged.  This will continue to be at the heart of the work of the school.  I, Graham Robertson, have taken over the Safeguarding Governor role since Mr Ed Huntley (Vice Chair) resigned in September of this year.

With regard to the general fabric of the school the GB have been involved and supported numerous initiatives and changes during the year;

  • The re-location and extension of the school library
  • The new IT Suite
  • The new Play Equipment and Tyre Park
  • Improvement of the playground Quiet area
  • Refurbishment of several classrooms, cloakrooms and toilet facilities
  • Consultation with the local residents and Breaston Parish and County Councils about traffic management around the school and subsequent  publication of a new School Traffic Plan
  • Re-development of John’s Garden at the rear of the school, providing a new multi-purpose educational and play space for the children
  • Opening the school up during the holidays for organised play and educational activities
  • The school taking over the running of the After School Club
  • Complete refit and refurbishment of the school kitchen and serving area

During the year there have been a number changes within the GB itself with Governors moving on to pastures new. At the end of the 2014/15 school year the GB voted to change its constitution to reduce the number and type of Governor from nineteen to fifteen – four staff and the rest to comprise of Parent, Co-opted and Local Authority nominated Governors. This revised make-up will allow for a more focused and accountable management of all aspects of the school and will include a full commission of Governance in November.  It enables the GB to better respond to the continuing challenge of ensuring the children and staff at Firfield get the best academic and pastoral experience possible, whilst preparing the children for their future working life.  The GB will continue to promote British values and what it means to hold these values and be good citizens of the future.

The Governing Body remain totally supportive of the Headteacher and all of her staff.

Graham Robertson – Chair of Governors