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The planned admissions level for all our classes is 60. We admit Reception children into school in September each year but accept in-year transfers across the academic year as long as there is space available in that year group.

There is a co-ordinated scheme for admissions to Primary Schools which is run by Derbyshire County Council.  It is a requirement that parents apply directly to the County Council and give three preferences for their choice of schools. The required admissions application for Reception children is to be submitted during the period November - January (Deadline - 15th January 2023) before the year in which your child is due to start school. The County Council will then consider all applications and try to allocate parents their first choice if possible. Parents are then informed in April as to which school their child has been allocated a place.

The school uses the local authority's admission policy/criteria for admitting pupils into school.  To find out more information please click on the link below.

Primary admissions parents' guide

If you are undecided about your choice of school, try to visit us with your child. This is always the best way to make the right choice for such an important decision in your child’s life. Firfield Primary School operates an open door policy for parents and this means that all parents are welcomed into school to play an active part in school life. If you are considering our school for your child, please telephone to arrange a visit and we will be happy to show you around!

Please find below a link if you would like to apply for a place in school.

Apply for a place at a Derbyshire County Council school.

Firfield Primary School uses the Local Authority's admission criteria which can be found by clicking the following link.

Admissions criteria

If you are unsuccessful with your admission application, then you have a right to appeal the decision.  This process is carried out through the Local Authority and further information can be found here.
