Gymnastics Terrific Talent

Daisy in Year 6 has been working hard over the last few years with her Gymnastics. She now follows the elite pathway, compulsory gradings. Daisy currently trains 25 hours a week and recently competed in 2 friendly competitions.
At end of April she has a regional competition which is like a warm up for Comp 2. This is where the gymnasts in the East Midlands compete and kind of ranks them in their area. Daisy scored highest for her age group in the East Midlands at last year's regional.
At the end of May she will compete compulsory 2 and requires a score of 54.00 overall to pass. This is a tough ask as obviously based on the individual's performance that day and falls can cost big deductions, but she’s doing fantastic at the moment, and has scored above 54.00 at both friendlies. It’s covered live on BG app, with scores available immediately as the gymnast competes the apparatus piece.
Regional competition is 30th April so she’s currently building up to that, with nationals at Stoke on 20/21 May.
A pass at nationals is part way there to getting to British Championships (next March). On top of the 54.00 +, she will need to achieve a combined score (target not yet known) at Levels in Guildford in December. If she achieves the combined score, that’s her ticket to compete at the British against all Uk gymnasts at the same level her age….. held this year at Liverpool exhibition centre. GB Olympic gymnasts compete here too in their own age group so it’s really exciting for everyone.
Firfield is so proud of everything that Daisy has achieved so far and wish her luck over the next couple of months. The commitment and dedication that Daisy has given to her sport is incredible.
Good Luck Daisy